"If you let go, something will happen." Paul Williams

Exploring the Inner - workshop series

December 6 from 6 - 9 pm (CET) Live-Online / December 7 of 2024 from 11 am - 5 pm at Kunstquartier Bethanien (Berlin)


During this workshops taking as a base the essential body work of Irmgard Bartenieff, we will take the time to explore our own body, our movement patterns and the connections and muscle chains within the body and also to change them. 

This intensive body work together with the Effort and Space Harmony knowledge of Rudolf Laban will allow us then to discover newly our own movement and dance expression and enjoy them in a playful way. It will also allow us to develop our creativity and to experience it together with a partner and with the whole group.


Anyone with specific movement experience practice is welcome -  the workshops are extremely enriching even for movement experts!

Each workshop forms a self-contained unit with different thematic focuses each time.


Studio: 55 € Early Bird Payment up to ten days beforehand, afterwards: 65 €

Online: 30 € Early Bird Price and 35 € normal price


Registration and further information with the organizer René Kramer: rene.jkramer@gmail.com

Exploring the Inner Eva Blaschke Berlin
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Bartenieff Fundamentals Introductory courses

The Bartenieff Fundamentals are offering an effective base for all sorts of dance styles, especially for contemporary dance and improvisation. We will train the deep connections of energy lines, fascial trains and bony landmarks. We use breath support, spacial intent, three dimensional movement and clear movement initiation to find connectivity in the body. This makes the dance more lighter, organic, dynamic and joyful. 

The Fundamentals are a bodywork technique that offers insides into individual movement patterns and biography. Therefore we can use the individual patterns in dance technique and improvisation and start to create more possibilities.

Dates, Places and Registration:

January 2 - 5 of 2024

Tanzfabrik Berlin-Kreuzberg



This introductory course in Bartenieff Fundamentals (20 hrs)

 is one of the pre-requisite for entering the EUROLAB



Educational training in Dance Therapy at NEURAUM (Berlin)



Dance Therapy is an integrative form of psychotherapy using the very old healing power of dance as well as different techniques from art therapy. The goal is to help people finding and exploring their own way to wholeness and liveliness. Through the dance we find and explore hidden feelings and images. On this way we can transform old patterns, habits and destructive beliefs and start to design our live anew. As a base we use Laban/Bartenieff Movement Studies with their observation criteria and the developmental patterns besides knowledge from developmental psychology and Gestalt Therapy.

The basic training course focuses on ones own self development and on experiencing the applied techniques. Therefore it is open for different people, professions and levels of experience.



Yevgeniya Avner, Angela Nicotra, Eva Blaschke a.o.


INFORMATION MEETING on October 06 of 2023

ORIENTATION WEEKEND on November 18 - 19 of 2023